We have a distribution network in stores located in Lutsk, Lviv, and Kyiv, where you can see the quality of our products and receive professional advice from our experts. Additionally, we offer the option to order products online through our website to ensure maximum convenience and accessibility of our products for all our customers.
CBD.UA is a national manufacturer and supplier of high-quality CBD products in Ukraine. We produce oils, capsules, extracts, and other products based on hemp while adhering to the highest standards of quality and safety. Our team has gathered the best experts to ensure the best quality products and customer satisfaction.
We take great pride in our team of 15 professionals with diverse experience and knowledge in the production and sale of CBD products. Our experts closely monitor the latest trends in the market to ensure our customers have access to the most innovative and effective products.
Based on our experience and expertise in the production of CBD products, we can guarantee high quality and effectiveness of their use to improve the health and well-being of our clients. We strive to provide a professional and individual approach to each client, ensuring quality service and prompt delivery. Our company has a strong scientific and research potential, which allows us to constantly develop and innovatively approach problem-solving.
CBD.ua is a domestic manufacturer of CBD products with years of experience and a partnership with leading medical institutions in Ukraine. We are proud that our products are used in hospitals for the treatment of PTSD and other illnesses. Additionally, we don't limit ourselves to the domestic market, but also deliver our products worldwide.
Associate Professor of Military Pharmacy Department at the Ukrainian Military Medical Academy.
One of the key persons in our company, Ilarion Yaroshenko, is an associate professor at the Military Pharmacy Department of the Ukrainian Military Medical Academy. Yaroshenko has extensive scientific experience in the field of pharmacy and medicine, which significantly influences the quality of the products produced by CBD.UA. He is also involved in scientific research in the field of medical cannabis applications, which allows CBD.UA to be at the forefront of this area and develop new products for its customers.
Certified products: all of our products have undergone certification and meet quality and safety requirements.
Expert knowledge: our team includes professionals from the medical and scientific fields, which allows us to develop products that have an effective impact on human health.
Collaboration with medical institutions: we collaborate with hospitals that actively use our products for the treatment of PTSD and other conditions.
In-house production: we manufacture our products ourselves, using high-quality raw materials.
Global Shipping: We deliver our products worldwide, which allows our customers from all over the world to receive quality products on time and without extra effort.
Наша візія - стати провідним виробником та постачальником якісної та сертифікованої CBD продукції в Україні та за її межами, просуваючи корисні властивості коноплі та сприяючи здоров'ю та благополуччю людей.

Quality - we prioritize the quality of our products and services for our clients.

Reliability - we guarantee the reliability and safety of our products and services.

Innovation - we constantly develop new products and innovative solutions to provide the best experience for our clients.

Наша місія - надавати клієнтам доступ до високоякісної та сертифікованої CBD продукції, сприяти здоров'ю та благополуччю людей, забезпечуючи найвищий рівень якості та сервісу.

Ethics - we adhere to high ethical standards in business and in our relationships with clients, partners, and employees.

Transparency - we are open to collaboration and willing to share information about our products and production process with our clients and partners.

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