Effectiveness of a single CBD dose of 300 mg for PTSD

2023-03-10 16:30
So, PTSD and cannabidiol: will a single use help? Yes, it will help, but not for all types of trauma. This is the conclusion of scientists in a new clinical randomized, placebo-controlled trial on the effectiveness of cannabidiol for post-traumatic stress disorder. The purpose of the study was to test whether the use of 300 mg of CBD before recalling traumatic events would reduce PTSD symptoms, as well as whether it would help extinguish repeated recall of the events. His results were presented in two publications at once, which were published in 2022 in various scientific publications (see the list of primary sources). The experiment took place as follows. 33 volunteers with a diagnosis of PTSD, of various ages and articles, were selected. They completed a behavioral test, after which they made an audio recording of their memory of the trauma and for 30 seconds specifically remembered what happened. A week later, they again passed the behavioral test and listened to their reproduction of the traumatic event, while half of the subjects took CBD in a dosage of 300 mg before that. The scientists used cannabidiol in the form of an isolate - a powder with 99.6% purity, without impurities of other cannabinoids. The isolate was dissolved in corn oil and packaged in 300 mg gelatin capsules. Patients also provided data on their mood and state of health, and physical indicators corresponding to anxiety were recorded - blood pressure, heart rate, and cortisol levels in saliva. A week later, the participants repeated all the procedures, but without pharmacological intervention. Two types of traumatic experiences were analyzed: sexual and non-sexual. In the group with non-sexual PTSD, cannabidiol did reduce symptoms - especially regarding cognitive impairment and anxiety. In the group that took CBD, the indicators were as follows: the deterioration of cognitive functions decreased from 10.8 to 2.6 on the VAMS scale; the level of anxiety decreased from 19.7 to 9.9 on the same scale; the level of discomfort decreased from 12.6 to 6.8 on this scale; sedation remained almost unchanged. of those who experienced sexual violence, the most significant changes were experienced in the indicators of discomfort - from 12.7 to 4.3 points on the VAMS scale. Scientists declared changes in other criteria for this type of injury to be insignificant (graph - https://bit.ly/3RiAZ15). They suggest that the 300 mg dosage is insufficient for PTSD due to sexual abuse, as PTSD symptoms are usually more severe and long-lasting. Actually, of the three most frequent causes of PTSD - sexual violence, violence and the sudden death of a loved one - the first is considered the most traumatic. Scientists believe that it is worth checking the dosage of 600 mg - it had an anti-anxiety effect for social anxiety disorder. Or experiment with the duration of use - in one of the studies, a girl who was a victim of rape did not have any effect from a single use of cannabidiol, but after a week of use she reported an improvement in her condition. Why cannabidiol proves to be an effective remedy for PTSD? This is possible because that CBD is a modulator of the endocannabinoid system. #ECS plays an important role in the regulation of emotional behavior and is fundamental to the synaptic processes that determine learning and emotional responses, especially those related to potentially traumatic experiences. Western scientific works of the last 20 years report on the excellent results of cannabidiol treatment of neuropsychiatric disorders, including PTSD, both in animal models and with the participation of people. At the same time, this component of cannabis shows an excellent safety profile in terms of tolerability, occurrence of side effects and development of tolerance. It has been established that patients with PTSD have an increased number of cannabinoid receptors in the brain and reduced levels of peripheral anandamide. Cannabidiol reduces the excessive activation of receptors and increases the levels of its own cannabinoids, regulates the levels of cortisol and adrenaline, which are increased during chronic stress, blocks the reconsolidation of memories and enhances the fading of the memory of fear. Among the main effects of PTSD treatment with cannabidiol are the following: + feeling normal; + reduction anxiety;+ improved sleep, reduced frightening dreams;+ facilitated socialization, improved family relationships;+ stopped obsessively scrolling through memories;+ increased fading of traumatic memories. If you would like to know more about the use of cannabis and its components to alleviate post-traumatic stress disorder - you can research #NC_PTSD. If you know doctors interested in treatment and want a strong research base on cannabis, ECS and PTSD, you can access it at https://drive.google.com/. ../1LaXtqfJzEWXnRmXmzBtWipfdjeO...#NaukaKannabisu #KonopliLikuyut #cannabidiol_modulyuye_EKS #StandWi thUkraine #PTSD#NC_neurologist Scientific primary sources: Bolsoni L.M. et al. "Effects of cannabidiol on symptoms induced by the recall of traumatic events in patients with posttraumatic stress disorder" Psychopharmacology 2002, 239 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35029706/Bolsoni L.M. et al. "The anxiolytic effect of cannabidiol depends on the nature of the trauma when patients with posttraumatic stress disorder recall their trigger event". Brazilian Journal of Psychiatry. 2022;44 https://www.scielo.br/j/rbp/a/y4LLjMvtPTVcxn4Z9xzYBJc/...Rafael M. Bitencourt et al. 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